Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Good news, not so good news and delicious ice cream!

So, it appears that I'm not the best blogger!  LOL  However, I'm finally taking an evening to myself and I don't think I've had this time to myself in over a week.  So, yes.....life is busy!

It's Tuesday August 2nd and only 2 days remain in Germany and I head home to Seattle.  Would you believe that the sun and heat have finally made an appearance and it's warm today.  It feels good but I could certainly use a fan in my apartment.  Thank goodness there is a fan in my office!!!  It's a bit warm and I decided that the best option for dinner is ice cream!  I walked to the nearby village, yes that is village, not neighborhood, and went to the most popular ice cream shop and got two scoops on a cone.  Oh my gosh......delicious!!!  After the first two licks I was tempted to go back for a second cone.  It was the best moment of the day. 

Now for the not so good news of the day.  There was an announcement yesterday at T-Mobile in Bonn, Germany that there is a freeze on hiring and they are looking at a headcount reduction.  Being that I was considering applying for a position here, the timing just isn't working with me.  So thankfully, I still have a job back in Seattle and I'm in no rush to figure out what is next for me (assuming that the AT&T acquisition will take place in a matter of time).  So here I've been really thinking and stressing about figuring out whether I like it over here in Germany enough to move permanently and now I don't have to worry about it.  No decision necessary with the hiring freeze, so I feel less stressed about making up my mind.  Now to enjoy the last two days of my time here and to see friends before I hit the airport. 

In reality, it's all good news.  I believe that what is meant to be, will happen.  Fate....karma or whatever you want to call it!!   :)

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