Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Museum Mile & The Day of Desserts

Sunday July 24, 2011 – Started the day by getting my laundry done and as you know, it takes time to get that done.  So, about noon I walked to the nearby ice cream café that has coffee and I desperately needed a cup of coffee and I had a scoop of caramel ice cream for breakfast and ohhhhh, that was SO incredibly tasty!!!  YUM! 
Next up was the day of the Museum Mile, located near my apartment.  I went to the German History Museum, which was free admission to promote learning the German history.  Although, it was a bit difficult as there was no English interpretation so I had to rely on reading the English postings which were frequently posted, just not on every display.  It was quite interesting to learn about the German history, where it’s been and how far along it has come.  It’s really quite interesting. 
After the history museum, I stopped into an Italian café and had a late lunch and it was so delicious!  It began with a glass of chardonnay, caprese salad, and ended with spaghetti with olive oil, garlic and shrimp with the best Italian bread.  It was incredibly delicious!!!  AND I brought a piece of tiramisu to bring home for later (dessert #2).  I think this weekend I’ve had the best food so far on the trip!
And last I went to the Bonn art museum and walked through the different artists on display.  I have to admit, there is some interesting art and then there is the art that doesn’t make any sense.  There was a display of a dresser drawer cabinet with glass and inside the cabinets were blankets.  Somehow, I was thinking that I could somehow come up with something interesting too and call it art.  Wonder if my closet of clothing at home could qualify as art if the blankets on display was art?  Another display was about 12 televisions and they were playing video tape of men playing basketball and all you could hear was the sound their sneakers on the basketball court and all the squeeks of the soles on the court floor and that was considered to be the art on display.  Hmmmmm, never would have thought of that myself.  Last thing I found at the museum was the café and had an espresso and an apple dessert (dessert #3) and they have a HotSpot there so can use my iPad (must make mental note to return here). 
After two museums and a great meal and a few sweet desserts, I walked home and am catching up on the blog postings.  It’s been a busy weekend, great food, my legs are tired and I’m ready to rest. 

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