Friday, July 8, 2011

I'm a believer that signs are given to us. I'm sitting at the airport waiting for my flight and starting to get nervous. Meanwhile, the next table has a travel bag that says "It Can Be Done". Yep, it sure can be and it is happening. I'm gonna forget the worries and I'm going to revel in the moment. The things that I didn't quite finish will eventually get done and I'm not going to stress about what needs to be done when I arrive. It will all work out. I just have to believe and seriously, I have to enjoy this trip! I mean how many times do you get a trip offered to you to travel abroad and to check out a job!? Ah, hello.....must enjoy. Gee, what's gonna be first when I land in Bonn? Stay tuned and I really hope the weather is sunny and warm!

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