Friday, July 15, 2011

Friday evening in Koln, Germany

It's currently 2AM in Germany and I'm just returning home, so you therefore know:  1.  I was out on the town enjoying life.  2.  Obviously it was a fun night out if I'm just returning home. 

Went out and had dinner on the Rhine River boardwalk in Koln, which is so much larger than Bonn.  I have to admit, I really enjoy Koln.  It reminds me of Seattle and I love the city life!  Downtown shopping, people out on the streets, noise, restaurants and all that good stuff.  Had dinner on the boardwalk and they just keep bringing you glasses of cold beer until you say "no".  Food wasn't bad, although, people on each side of me ordered some type of dish that served raw meat.  Just not my type of dish, but it was certainly interesting. 

After dinner and continuous glasses of cold beer, went and walked along the boardwalk and decided to take a boat ride along the Rhine River that had a band playing.  It was a Jamacan band and all I could think of was German Reggae.  Sure enough....there was some German Reggae music and it was pretty interesting.  Also a cover band that played The Beastie Boys and that was by far the most entertaining!  It's like I knew the words to the song but it was yet foreign ( German).  So I'm singing along in English to a German band singing The Beastie Boys tunes.  It was hilarious and so much fun!  Dancing, chatting and hanging out on a gorgeous night in Koln.  There was a full moon and it was high up in the sky and was great to be out on the river. 

So, after a fun night out, it's time to crash and see what is on tomorrow's agenda. 

Good night and sweet dreams!

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