Thursday, July 7, 2011

The night before departure!

Well, what a day this is and who would have guessed this adventure for me would be on my horizon.  I leave tomorrow for a trip to Bonn, Germany to work for a month to see how I like working and living in Germany.  Kinda of a trial and who really knows what is on the other side of this 30 day journey.  I really don't know what to expect, but in reality, it's a month for an incredible opportunity!  My plan is to enjoy it all!!!

For those of you who don't know me well.  This is my second international trip, my first one was just a month ago to Bonn, Germany.  I don't speak German and my mind is swirling about this amazing opportunity happening to me.  Yes....ME!!! 

My bags are packed and yes, I'm sure I have over packed.  I just have too many clothes and I enjoy them all!  Gee, is that a surprise to anyone?!  Probably not. 

So, if you have any tips, advice, suggestions for me, I would love to hear from you.  Tomorrow the journey begins with a long flight but that part doesn't really matter.  The cool part is landing with my feet in Frankfurt!

Then......where to begin?!  I'm sure that won't be a problem at all. 

Tschuss! (So Long!)

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