Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 2 - Sunday July 10, 2011 - The Day of Walking

Did A LOT of walking today!  Walked along the Rhine River boardwalk in the morning and it was sunny and gorgeous!  Went back in the afternoon and found a restaurant to have lunch in the park, although the afternoon was overcast.  I also stopped at one of the local hotels and picked up a map of Bonn and figured out where the main “Bonn” area was located.  I took another long walk along the Rhine and made it to the main Bonn shopping area.  Yes!  I found the retail shopping center, restaurants, churches and where all the tourists go to take pictures and hang out in the plaza.  I was quite happy with this finding!  Otherwise, it was a day with a LOT of walking.  Must learn how to take the trams soon. 
Another exciting discovery is that I found wifi today in the Bonn Plaza.  The bad part is that my new iPad doesn’t connect to it.  Not so good!  And of course, it’s not free but you can pay for it.  In the plaza it’s $5 for an hour and in a local hotel closer to my apartment it’s $8 per hour.  Maybe I should try the hotel and see if that works.  But first, I want to try the office.  Certainly the T-Mobile office should have wifi to connect too.  Let’s hope!
One big surprise of the day was while I was waiting to cross the street when the road block was down so vehicles could not cross the railroad tracks.  Well, I was standing there and waiting for the train to pass by so we could cross the road.  What I was not prepared for was just how FAST the train approached and holy crap it scared me!!!!  The train comes up on you like a bat out of hell!!!  Trust me.....I jumped and stepped backwards and held onto the fence.  Somehow i just can't get over how fast those trains are and I personally don't like being that close to them as they whiz by you.  Holy Smoke!!!

1 comment:

  1. I have the best mental picture of you hopping back against a fence, flat as can be with eyes wide!

    I'm so excited to be reading about your adventures!
