Thursday, July 21, 2011

It's Gooey & Sticky!

Today’s topic is the food.  I have to admit, I’m not easily able to adjust to the German foods.  I’m trying to be adventurous and I’m trying different things, however, I’m just not finding the German cuisine tasty. 

For example, today’s lunch I had a slice of pork, which looked better than it tasted but was okay.  It came with potato dumplings and pineapple cabbage.  I couldn’t get the courage to try the pineapple cabbage however, I did try the potato dumplings.  The dumplings were odd.  It was a round ball but it was really sticky.  The consistency was gooey and sticky and not exactly what I expected.  Kind of reminded me of a fly trap that you put up to catch flies (in the old days).  You know that gooey sticky feeling?  Imagine that as a potato dumpling.  Just not quite right.  Of course, this is only my opinion and I’m eating in the cafeteria too, which could be the explanation.  But it was interesting and I just had to share with you the gooey experience!  LOL

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to send you starbucks, and subway, and good ole' fashioned American food ASAP. :)
