Sunday, July 17, 2011

A lazy Sunday

It's Sunday in Germany and as usual, I'm taking it slow and easy.  Gotta have a day of relaxation!  However, I must do some laundry, however, it just doesn't seem that easy for me here.  This last week I had to call the apartment office to have them unlock the door in the basement for access to the one washer and dryer.  They unlocked it and this morning I went down to start the process.  Of course, someone else's stuff was in the washer, so I returned 15 minutes later and the last person locked the door!  No access to the washer and dryer.  I can't believe my luck!  I waited and tried after an hour and still no luck.  So, I called a friend and they were just leaving their apartment but said I could go to their house and use their facility.  So, I'm hanging out at their house and learn how to use the washer.  However, then I notice....there is no dryer. I inquire and then I'm directed to the hanging rack outside on the patio.  So, I've been hanging out and catching up on emails and all that fun stuff but I've learned that the washing machine cycle is 2 hours long!  Yes.....that is 120 minutes for one load of washing!  To top it off, my underwear is outside on the drying rack and I'm really hoping they are done drying by the time my friend comes home.  I mean, I haven't known them but more than a week and I certainly don't need my underwear out on their patio very long!!!  So, it's been a very interesting experience to do laundry.  And I'm hoping that by the time I get home, that perhaps I will have some luck and someone will have left the door unlocked to the washer and dryer at home.  I would love to put my clothes in the dryer for at least a bit to fluff them up so they aren't so stiff from drying outside.  And let's hope that the wind outside doesn't blow away any of my undies.  Nothing like having your unmentionables out for the neighborhood to see! 

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